Publication Ethics

In our journal, we maintain high quality standards through a very strict peer-review process. These review process is made sure by strict ethical policies and professional codes. We select the experts from the fields of the submitted paper, who are well known for their original and innovative contributions. This process helps us to select the best papers with fascinating and interesting applications. We take serious notice of the violation of these professional guide lines. All the submitted papers must be original and are not being considered in other journals and conferences proceeding etc. 


We screen all the submitted papers for plagiarism using the latest technology. We make it sure that the submitted papers contain original materials. If any paper contains material copied from other source is subject to plagiarism sanctions.

Duplicate Submission

We make sure that all the papers are not being published elsewhere. If found so, we take strict action against these authors under the duplication sanction and these papers are withdrawn immediately from the website of the journal.

Citation Manipulation

We do not encourage to cite the papers for the sake of increasing the citation. At the  submission time, we ask the authors to make it sure this fact. We either send the paper back to authors or reject the paper  right way.

Data Fabrication and Falsification

We try to make it sure that the data and experiments are not fabricated and falsified. If found so, these papers are rejected without any further action and sanctions are imposed.  We take these facts very seriously.

Improper Author Contribution or Attribution

In our journal, we make ask the authors to explain the percentage of their contributions in the submitted manuscripts. This takes care of the improper author contribution.


If we find any violations of these ethic and professional codes, then strict action is taken.

In these circumstances, following sanctions are applied.

  • Paper is rejected immediately.
  • Probation against all the authors for any further submission to SJS journal.
  • Probation for the authors to service as the referees/reviewers for SJS journal.

 In cases, the violations of the above policies are found to be serious, further sanctions may be imposed by the publishers.