Plant Diversity in Some Habitats in Saudi Arabia with Its Economic Uses

Document Type : Regular Articles


Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Taif University, P.O. 11099, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia


In this study 236 species representing 10 families, were collected from different habitats in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The family Asteraceae is represented by the highest number of species (55 species), followed by the Fabaceae (40 species), the Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae (each of them 22 species), the Lamiaceae and Zygophyllaceae (each of them 18 species), the Brassicaceae (17 species), the Asclepiadaceae and Solanaceae (each of them 15 species), and the Euphorbiaceae (represented by 14 species). Identification was carried out, and the updated scientific names and vernacular names with their families are cited. The economic uses (medicinal and industrial) of such species were presented in a cumulative table. This work clarifies the very common, common, rare, and very rare plants inside the ten families and also clarifies the plant diversity of the medicinal plants in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. So, I recommended the conservation of such valuable plants for sustainable development.


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